Welcome to the Blend Faculty for Coaching and Leadership Development – COVID19 response
Blend in its work across senior leadership teams became aware quickly as Covid19 took hold that all organisations were activating emergency plans and instigating remote working where possible. This has led to a complex leadership context where leaders had to change and improve the service offer whilst paying attention to the incredible challenge on them personally, their staff and the wider community. Leaders need great coaches now more than ever and that includes support to manage one’s own emotions, stress, and energy levels. Leaders need an agile support offer from coaches as needs moved from immediate Covid response to recovering of services, businesses, and work patterns. We all already seeing there is no recovery to pre Covid state for organisations and instead a move to a new normal and a new forward where leaders must encourage adaption and innovation to recover.
Blend saw an opportunity as it was already experienced with remote coaching and leadership development. Alongside this we have a history of working with a range of experienced and well evaluated associate coaches we stepped up to support our work. In response to current needs of leaders in health, social care, and local government, we have created an amazing faculty of executive coaches, coaching supervisors and leadership consultants. We have for the period of Covid19 emergency planning shaved our costs to the bare minimum to avoid being accused of price gouging from clients already under financial strain. We are now working with health and care systems in the UK to meet the needs of leaders and their teams and individuals through these challenging times.
We handpicked Faculty members with extensive experience of working with senior NHS and social care leaders across the country, as well as working with a broad range of teams and clients in the corporate world and across academia. These clients include The Institute of Healthcare Management, The NHS Leadership Academy, NHS Employers, The Local Government Association and individual NHS Trusts and Local Authorities. We ensure that our coaches are experienced in working with clients who may require a range of coaching approaches, from a practical, solution focused conversation to a more therapeutic and holistic one.
The coaches are all quality assured by Blend and their profiles are available to view as part of the matching process i.e. a conversation held between the client and the Blend ‘Head of Faculty’ to ascertain the needs and propose the best coach for the role. Blend will also provide clients with the administrative support throughout this process, using our fantastic administration and office team. This will mean that any coaching requests, data, any administration queries are managed quickly and efficiently, saving your own administrative/PMO teams time.
All of the coaching sessions are delivered virtually, and we are able to utilise a number of platforms e.g. Zoom and Microsoft Teams and Facetime. We appreciate that things are moving and changing rapidly; we are an agile team who will align our resources to yours, so that we deliver added value to you, your workforce and your patients and clients. To discuss your coaching or leadership development needs, please contact us on info@ltdblend.com